Le Petit Prince

"The lyrics of this song was created as a tribute to my favorite literary character The Little Prince and is also partly about my son. Musically, the song was inspired by U2" (L.)

Oh, my little boy

Where do you come from?

I came down from heaven

Tell me, can you draw?

Oh, my little boy,

Please, tell me, what´s the point?

You need to have a friend

You need to have a bond


One sees only with the heart

For every end there´s a new start

Oh, my little boy,

Please tell me, what´s the secret?

I had to tame a fox

That´s love and we´ll both keep it

Oh, my little boy,

What makes your rose so special?

I gave her so much time

And it all makes her so precious

Oh, my little boy,

Please, tell me more about your world

Don´t be sad, my friend

But it´s time for me to go

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