Law of Attraction

"I enjoy reading esoteric books about the power of human mind. I wrote this text as a guide to life. Musically, the song was inspired by The Offspring´s song She's got issues." (L.)

You get what you give

You become what you think

If you believe you will achieve

Your mind is everything

What you believe you are

What you imagine you create

What you feel you attract

What you believe in is your fate


It´s just a law (like the law), the law of gravitation

It ´s just a law (like the law), the law of gravitation

Try to live with no what-if´s

Try to live with no regret

Life´s present, life´s a gift

Be greatful for what you have

With our thoughts we make the world

All we are now is what we have thought

© 2023 Dandy´s Company 
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